World Arthritis Day October 12, 2022 | Bemable

World Arthritis Day 12 October 2022 | Bemable

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World Arthritis Day 2022

World Arthritis Day is a day to celebrate the lives of people around the world who have arthritis. On this day, we can reflect on the significant contributions that people with arthritis make in their communities, families, and workplaces. We can also celebrate the progress that has been made in developing new treatments and finding better ways to manage symptoms.

World Arthritis Day was created by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1992 as a way to focus attention on rheumatic diseases, which include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. These conditions affect more than one billion people worldwide, causing pain, disability, and loss of independence.

It is a day to recognize and celebrate arthritis. The goal of World Arthritis Day is to raise awareness about the challenges faced by people with arthritis and their loved ones, as well as encourage people to take steps toward living a more active life.

The first World Arthritis Day was celebrated in 1995. It was created by the World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the International Association for the Study of Rheumatic Diseases (IASR), which is based in Geneva, Switzerland. Since then, World Arthritis Day has been celebrated each year on October 17th.

Since then, it has become an important day for raising awareness about arthritis and its impact on our lives. In fact, it's estimated that more than 50 million people worldwide have some form of arthritis, and that number is expected to grow as we age.

Arthritis is a group of diseases characterized by joint inflammation resulting from damage to cartilage or bone caused by an environmental agent or injury. The most common forms are osteoarthritis (degeneration of joints), rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune disease affecting connective tissue), and gout (associated with kidney disease).

World Arthritis Day encourages all people with arthritis to take part in activities that help build their strength and independence. These activities may include going for walks, swimming, or gardening; playing sports like tennis, basketball or volleyball; learning new skills such as knitting or cooking; reading a book together.

How To Celebrate World Arthritis Day

To celebrate World Arthritis Day, we're sharing some of our favorite ways to show your support for arthritis patients.

1. Join the Arthritis Foundation's Challenge in a Box Program!

2. Donate to the Arthritis Foundation!

3. If you're feeling ambitious, try one of these great recipes for your favorite comfort food!

Theme Of The Day 

World Arthritis Day is celebrated throughout the world with activities such as events at schools, churches, or workplaces, where people can learn about arthritis and how it affects their lives; fundraising events for organizations that provide services for people with arthritis; special programs on television; newspaper articles; radio broadcasts; social media posts; etc.

The World Arthritis Day Theme is "It's in your hands, take action". 

This theme aims to help individuals realize their responsibility in educating themselves about the disease and taking preventive measures. Even though arthritis is very common, people still neglect its early symptoms because of a lack of knowledge.

With the right knowledge about the types of arthritis and the preventive measures, one can relieve themselves of the pain and discomfort that comes from the disease. Therefore, World Arthritis Day is celebrated to spread the word about this disease.

What Is Arthritis 

Arthritis is a group of conditions that affect your joints. There are many different types of arthritis, and they all have different causes, symptoms, and treatments. But one thing they have in common: Exercise can help you manage your condition and improve your quality of life.

Arthritis Isn't A Normal Part Of Aging.

Arthritis is a common disease that affects the joints and causes pain in the bones. It's not a normal part of aging. There are many different types of arthritis, but they all share some common features:

  • They cause pain in the affected joint(s)
  • The symptoms tend to get worse over time
  • You can't do simple things like walk or climb stairs without getting tired quickly.

Arthritis can affect young people as well as older people

Arthritis can affect young people as well as older people. The severity and type of arthritis are determined by your age, but it is important to know that there are types of arthritis that are more common in young people. These include osteoarthritis, which causes pain and stiffness in the joints; rheumatoid arthritis, which causes inflammation throughout your body; and gouty arthritis, which occurs when excess amounts of uric acid build up in your blood (this can lead to kidney stones).

Arthritis doesn't have to be a part of aging—you may be able to treat it with medication or surgery!

Everyone with arthritis experiences it differently.

Everyone with arthritis experiences it differently. Some people have one type of arthritis, while others have multiple types. Some people experience mild symptoms, while others may suffer from severe joint pain or other debilitating conditions.

The severity of your symptoms will likely vary widely from person to person as well. Some people may only be bothered by stiffness in their fingers or toes—but if you’re experiencing any kind of pain at all in your joints (or elsewhere), then this is what we call “severe” as opposed to “mild”—and it would probably be wise for you to seek medical treatment before proceeding further on this path toward health and fitness!

Arthritis can lead to loss of mobility, but there are things you can do to slow down the process.

Arthritis is a condition that occurs when the cartilage in your joints wears down and becomes inflamed. As a result, it can cause pain and stiffness in your joints as well as limit movement. It’s estimated that 1/3 of all adults have arthritis at some point in their lives, but you don’t need to live with it forever!


World Arthritis Day is a day to celebrate the many people who suffer from this disease, and the many ways in which those people can be helped.

World Arthritis Day is also a great time for everyone who knows someone who suffers from this disease to show them how much love you have for them—and how excited you are for them to achieve their goals.

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