How to Relieve a Stress Headache | Bemable

How to Relieve a Stress Headache | Bemable
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What is Stress Headache?

Stress headaches are a common occurrence in today's society. They can be caused by stress, anxiety, or a number of other factors. 

Stress headaches are more prevalent among younger people than older ones; however, they can happen at any age. Stress headaches can cause severe pain that may last for hours or days and sometimes even weeks. 

If you're experiencing this type of headache, try these tips:

Get Plenty of Sleep

Stress headaches are more common in people who don't get enough sleep. If you're getting less than seven hours per night, try to get at least eight hours per night.

Reduce your Caffeine Intake

Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause stress headaches when consumed in large quantities (more than 300 milligrams per day). Try cutting back on the amount of coffee and tea you drink each day until you notice an improvement in your headache symptoms.

Symptoms of a Stress Headache | Bemable
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Signs and Symptoms of a Stress Headache

Signs and symptoms of stress headache include:

  • Headaches that occur frequently.
  • Headaches that are more severe than usual.
  • Headaches that are more intense than usual.
  • Headaches that are more painful than usual.

Signs and symptoms of stress headache can also include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting 
  • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Agitation
  • Feeling overwhelmed by daily activities.

Causes of a Stress Headache

Stress, anxiety, and depression can all cause headaches. Stress is a common symptom of these conditions, so it’s important to recognize that headaches are one way the body deals with stress.

Headaches caused by stress are often described as tension headaches or cluster headaches because they occur in groups around your temples (or sometimes on one side of your head). Tension headaches tend to be more severe than other types of headaches; however, they aren't necessarily caused by physical activity or physical pain. In some cases, tension-type symptoms may simply disappear when you take time off from work or school—but if you continue working while feeling uncomfortable and worried about how much longer this will continue without treatment then it may be time for medical help!

Treatment of Stress Headache

You can treat your stress headache by taking a break from screen time. Do something relaxing, like reading or watching TV, and breathe deeply.

If you're feeling stressed out and need to talk about it with someone, try getting a massage. If that doesn't work, see if they have any advice on how to relieve stress headaches. If none of these things help, take some time for yourself—go meditate or nap!

Pressure Points for Stress Headache | Bemable
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Pressure Points for Stress Headache

Head and Neck

Pressure points on the head and neck are common places to apply pressure to relieve a stress headache.

Use Thumb and Index Finger

You can use your thumb and index finger to apply pressure at these spots:

Brow Point

On the forehead, right behind each eye.

Ear Point

In front of each ear, just above where it meets the side of your head.

Behind both ears and toward each temple if you're focusing on releasing tension on either side.

Prevention of Stress Headache

Some ways to relieve a stress headache are: talking with someone about what is bothering you, taking breaks from screen time (TV, video games), and doing something relaxing like reading or watching TV while listening to music that helps you relax and breathe deeply.

Stress Management Techniques

Stress Management Techniques can help you prevent stress headaches. These techniques include yoga, meditation, and deep breathing. 

How to Relieve a Stress Headache | Bemable
credit: iStock


Yoga is a physical fitness practice that increases flexibility and strength as well as improves balance and coordination. It also reduces anxiety, which is important for reducing your risk of developing a stress headache.


Meditation has been shown to reduce the number of migraines people experience over time by up to 40%. Deep breathing exercises can be done when you're sitting in front of your computer or just hanging out at home watching TV—anywhere where you have some space available that's quiet enough so that it won't distract from what it's like during these exercises (which means no music playing). The goal here is not only to relax but also to clear your mind completely so that all thoughts drift away without worrying about them again later on down the line!

Talk with Someone

Some ways to relieve a stress headache are to talk with someone about what is bothering you, take breaks from screen time, do something relaxing, and breathe deeply.

Relieving stress headaches is important. It’s a common condition, and it can be a symptom of other health issues. Stress headaches are also preventable by taking steps to reduce your stress levels and prevent mental illness.


So, there you have it—some simple ways to reduce stress and relieve a stress headache. If you’ve ever had one of these headaches, or if you know someone who does, give these tips a try! It's always better to prevent than to treat, after all.

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